AT&T Enhanced Push-to-Talk

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Assign a supervisor to a group in the AT&T Enhanced Push-to-Talk Corporate Admin Tool (CAT)

  1. From the CAT home screen, click on Talkgroups on the menu to the left.

    Image of step 1.

  2. Click on the Pencil icon Image of the pencil icon. to the right of the desired group.

    Image of step 2.

  3. Click on the Supervisor tab.

    Image of step 3.

  4. Click on the Add Supervisors icon Image of the add supervisors icon..

    Image of step 4.

  5. A user list populates on the right side of the page.
  6. Click on the checkbox to the left of the desired user.

    Image of steps 5 and 6.

  7. Click on the Assign button.

    Image of step 7.

  8. The supervisor assigns.

    Image of step 8.